fair street styling

Well, well, well. It's been a while! The Vintage Owl team have been busy finding and sorting out new stock! It's all been totally worth it though. We've found some fabulous new items. Now we just need to get them photographed and uploaded on to the website  (so we will require some models soon. Watch this space!) If you can't wait that long however, come along to one of our Vintage Fairs. We have 2 left for 2010! Frock Me is on this Sunday at it's usual place, Brighton Corn Exchange. On 5th December, we will be at a Loved Worn & Reborn. Loved Worn & Reborn is a completely new fair for us and there should be lots of goodies to be found for Christmas presents... Really looking forward to it! It'll be a hoot!

 When we sell at Vintage Fairs, I see a lot of stylish people walking through the doors. I have taken photos of people I think look fabulous. We will continue to do this for future fairs, so pop back and see if you can spot your self!

1985@Concorde II, Customer trying our Carpet Bag Jacket
Frock Me @Brighton Corn Exchange
Frock Me @Brighton Corn Exchange
JAVFF @Brighton Race Course
(Images - taken by Jennie Davies, please do not reproduce without permission)

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