Twit twoo, twit twoo!!!
I am very proud to say that Vintage Owl Boutique is 1 year old today! One whirlwind year on and we have created our own online shop and have also been doing the circuits of vintage fairs around Brighton and Sussex. We have executed 2 highly successful photo-shoots and have featured in several publications, online and in print.
There are so many people that we need to thank for their continued support over the last 12 months. Our families; Molly, Felix, Pete, Alex, Mums, Dads, Sisters and Brothers. Our many friends; J & Jo, Katie & Carlo, Emer Gillespie, Beth Steddon, Kate Forester, Michelle Cooke, Tanja Stocklin, Panwad Maneetapho, Dave Pop & Jeremy, Gemma Wheatcroft, Choccywoccydoodah, Vintage Brighton, Roses All Over, Frock Me, The Vintage Fair, Jenny & Paul Banham and everyone else that's been there along the way - You Know Who You Are!! The past year would have been impossible to curate, organize and deal with were it not for your love and belief in what we're doing.
I am so excited about where we could be by this time next year. Vintage Owl is evolving for the better. We will be embracing and expanding our homemade-handmade section and you will be able to witness some of this new collection at AOH Artists Open House in the month of May (watch this space for more info on that). Cassie is designing a new made-to-measure collection for those who like the vintage look but not the vintage sizes and has also started an alterations service (call 07876128884 for more details or even just come and see us at one of our fairs).
We hope you have enjoyed the journey so far as much as we have. Thank you, for following us.
Much love and best wishes,
Jennie and Cassie.
Photo courtesy of Beth Steddon of Garage Studios.
Models - Michelle Cooke, Tanja Stocklin and Panwad Maneetapho
Stylists - Jennie Davies and Cassie Heighton
Stylists - Jennie Davies and Cassie Heighton
Make-up Artist - Gemma Wheatcroft
Hair - Alex Graham of Ciscos Karma
Cake courtesy of Choccywoccydoodah
Vintage china courtesy of Roses All Over