REVIEW: Ditch the laces and say hello to Shoeps

I was 10 when I finally learnt to tie my laces. 10. What can I say? I thought slip-ons and velcro were the future. Still, knowing how to tie and untie my laces has never stopped me from brazenly just kicking off my shoes and squeezing my feet back into them without bothering with the laces. Which means that my trainers tend to wear down at the back pretty quickly. Which also means I get through A LOT of trainers. It's not that I'm lazy, it's just that it's 2014 and you'd think that, as a species, Humanity would of arrived at a place where we can take our shoes on and off without all that 'laces' business. Right?

*Sigh* If only there were a way of putting my lace-ups on and taking them off without bothering the laces and ruining my lovely footwear?

Oh. Hello, Shoeps. Check you out.

When Wife Owl told me she had been asked to review them, I pleaded with her to let me take over. Could it really be? Had someone finally done what I always thought no one could?! I couldn't wait to try them. Could. Not. Wait. There's a whole palette of colours to choose from so you can easily mix and match to customise your kicks. I opted for the rainbow set 'cos I like a bit o'colour in my life.

Before; Sad shoes :0(
After; Happy shoes! :0)
I have to say that at first glance, I didn't think they'd be up to the job. Little did I know how stretch-tastic they were. When I thook them out of their packaging, the little rubber bandits looked like they might be a bit fiddley to get on, but actually they were extremely simple to, well, lace up, for a lack of a better phrase. in under five minutes I had given my favourite pair of Chucks a customised rainbow dash (word to the Bronies) AND I can slip them on and off like a boss, without worrying about all that 'lacey wacey' stuff or damaging my trainers. MEGA WIN.

At £12.99 a pop, I'll definitely be grabbing a few more of these for the rest of my trainers. Shoeps are a really fun and simple way of customising your favourite footwear. They follow the contours of your feet and don't feel as restrictive as laces so they're really comfy too. Mobo Baggins and I went for a walk over The Downs so I could put them through their paces. They were really snug and offered lots of flexibility (handy when chasing little Molly Monsters). But most importantly, if like me, the eternal child inside you still doesn't want to tie his laces, they're pretty much the greatest thing since fried gold.

And who doesn't want to be 10 again?

Available to buy in the UK from or


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