Fashion! Turn to the left. Fashion! Turn to the right.....

The long awaited photo shoot was last Saturday and it couldn't have gone more perfectly. Even though there was rain, the weather still seemed to be on our side. We were a team of six that clicked really well and the location was also a pleasure to work with.  Having consumed lots of coffee we were all buzzing and there was no stress to be seen. Perfect! The clothes worked better than I could have imagined. It was almost as if they were made for our models, so hardly any pinning or tucking needed to be done.

Any ho, here are some photos from the day. They are only ones I took on my phone... but it will give you a little sneaky preview on some of the outfits and location! Enjoy :)

Front of Shoreham Airport
Airport Reception
Michelle waiting in between shots

Last outfits of the day! Girls waiting to go outside
Cassie and J on hand with props and reflector
Yippie! Rain has stopped!

Emer at work

Images taken by Jennie Davies


  1. love the outfit with the hat!

    xx viviane

  2. hi!

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  3. What a great blog!! Now following :)


    P.S. - Would love for you to check out mine..
